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HPP high pressure processing for Juices, Smoothies & Co.

10 times longer shelf life. Freshly squeezed taste.

HPP high pressure processing for Fruit products, guacamole, avocado
Fruit products

Fruit products: zero compromise on vitamins, appearance and flavor.

HPP high pressure processing for Meat products, ham, sausages, bacon etc.
Meat products

Maximum product safety. High-quality deli meat products.

HPP high pressure processing for Ready meals
Ready meals

6 times longer shelf life, tastier than ever: ready meals.

HPP high pressure processing for Dairy products, cream cheese, etc.
Dairy products

Fresh, natural and longer-lasting: dairy products & Co.

HPP high pressure processing for Seafood, oysters, shrimps, lobster, mussels

Almost 100% yield, significantly longer shelf life. Premium-quality seafood.

HPP high pressure processing tolling / Toll processing
Toll processing

Fresh for less: toll processing.

HPP for raw pet food & BARF
Raw pet food (BARF)

HPP for safer and nutritious raw pet food (BARF)

See video: High-pressure preservation at 6,000 bar tk-play

High pressure processing (HPP)

Simply fresh and safe – high pressure preservation at 6,000 bar

Consumers want natural, fresh products – ideally without additives and without the loss of nutrients caused by heating. At the same time, around 30% of food is still being thrown away, some of it before even being sold. High pressure processing by thyssenkrupp allows gentle preservation of food by high pressure – without additives or heat. The latter is an important difference to "classic" thermal pasteurization, even though HPP is also known as "high-pressure pasteurization". Products are processed in their packaging. It works for vacuum and modified atmosphere packs and for plastic bottles. The result: much longer shelf life and maximum product safety and therefore more satisfied customers. At the same time the texture, look, nutrients and taste of your products remain intact. And all of that is achieved while HPP being environment-friendly and free of waste.

Visit our HPP Lab on YouTube!

See High Pressure Processing by thyssenkrupp in action

HPP is a non-thermal shelf life extension process that takes place at 6000 bar. Since this pressure is almost unimaginably high in daily life compared to our applications, there are some questions about this procedure. thyssenkrupp-HPP would like to answer these questions and has therefore initiated the HPP Lab where questions are answered based on video sequences. We deal with topics such as packaging, products and closures but also with the pressure process itself. Have fun and if there are questions that have not yet been answered, we look forward to your suggestions.

  • Up to 10x longer shelf life
  • No additives, no heat
  • Maximum safety
Up to 10x longer shelf life
No additives, no heat
Maximum safety
jet shutterstock

What is High Pressure Processing? Three jumbo jets on a smartphone!

The products are conveyed in special baskets into a high-pressure vessel. It moves into the machine and is filled with water. Pumps increase the pressure in the vessel to 6,000 bar. This corresponds roughly to the weight of three jumbo jets acting on an area the size of a smartphone. In this process the pressure is applied both immediately and evenly spread leaving no evident crushing effect on the products. After a few minutes – the time varies according to product – the pressure is reduced again in a controlled way. The rest is simple: drain the water and unload the vessel, and the machine is ready for the next round of high pressure processing.

How does HPP work? Water and pressure. Nothing else.

All the HPP process needs is water (which can be recirculated) and power for the pumps. By using pressure for the preservation of foods and beverages neither heat nor any chemicals are required. Products are typically cooled before entering the HPP process. Pressurization increases the temperature by around 18°C and the products are compressed by around 16% in their packaging. During decompression the product cools roughly back to its initial temperature and expands back to its original size. As high temperatures are not needed the products remain fresh and flavorful and won’t undergo unintended changes in color or structure as if thermal heat would be applied. This makes high pressure processing or high hydrostatic pressure processing (HHP) as it can be called as well the natural choice for high quality.

Here we answer further questions about High Pressure Processing: What is HPP?

HPP Anlage / Maschine

Explore our HPP machine

Our HPP plants and machines

A few years ago thyssenkrupp group with its leading high-pressure technology subsidiary Uhde HPT, specialized in the construction of HPP plants and machinery. The Uhde High Pressure Technologies brand has stood for high-pressure excellence "made in Germany" since 1930. Our experienced team of engineers, chemists and technicians has been building tailor-made HPP high-pressure processing systems for more than 20 years. The machines are individually tailored to the high-pressure pasteurization of our customers.

Complete high-pressure processing solutions from a single source

Uhde High Pressure Technologies info graphic
Jasna Ivanovic
Jasna Ivanovic Ph.D.
Food Technologist HPP

Uhde High Pressure Technologies GmbH
Buschmuehlenstrasse 20
58093 Hagen

David Benevento
New Equipment Sales Manager

thyssenkrupp Uhde USA, LLC
11221 Cutten Rd, Bldg 5
Houston, TX 77066

Matt Ellinas
Manager Services & Bussiness Development Americas HPP, WJC, & SCF

thyssenkrupp Uhde USA, LLC
11221 Cutten Rd, Bldg 5
Houston, TX 77066

Patrick Robert Guggina
Patrick Robert Guggina
HPP Sales Manager

Uhde High Pressure Technologies GmbH
Buschmuehlenstrasse 20
58093 Hagen


Wenceslaus Pünter
Wenceslaus Pünter
Service HPP

Uhde High Pressure Technologies GmbH
Buschmuehlenstrasse 20
58093 Hagen