Worldwide lifecycle solutions for your high pressure plant

On the basis of technological know-how, long-term experience and a comprehensive offer concerning service performances Uhde HPT supports clients all over the world to maintain the technical and economic efficiencies of an industrial plant over its entire life cycle. The range of our service performances includes regular maintenance and inspections, instructions and training courses, but also repair works and the replacement of individual components in case of defects. Thus, we considerably contribute to the safe-guarding of continuous productivity and the minimization of downtimes.

By means of tailor-made concepts for reconditioning and modernizations of complete plants or individual components we help our customers remain at the latest level of the state of the art and be able to meet new challenges in competition.

Philipp Teucher, Services
Maintenance services

The operation of high pressure equipment requires that safety ranks first. Usually, all high pressure components must be tested regularly to make them continuously meet the safety level at the time of initial commissioning. To meet legal requirements and also observe the operator’s economic interests the necessary inspection routines and test intervals are defined in cooperation with the supervisory authorities. Uhde HPT will readily support you with the performance of inspections which includes the relevant engineering. The inspection depends on the relevant equipment and application.
