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The diagram serves as an example only. Other routes, such as for DME, gasoline, ethylene or acetic acid, are also possible.
With our unique portfolio ranging from large-scale solids gasification and water electrolysis to downstream applications, we can enable carbon-reduced or even completely CO2- free value chains. All from a single source.
Environmental protection is becoming increasingly important. Based on our uhde® gasification process we can design and implement optimized process chain solutions from a single source.
The main product of gasification processes based on our uhde® entrained flow gasification (also known as PRENFLO) technology is syngas. Thanks to our unique portfolio, which is complemented by various downstream processes, we can offer you complete end-to-end solutions.
Alongside the main products, the by-products of our gasification are also valuable. The slag can be used in road-building, fly ash is used in the cement industry, and sulfur or sulfuric acid can be readily recovered and marketed.
This special feature allows the co-feeding of liquid and gaseous feedstocks.
Reduced operating costs
Use of low-value feedstock or waste
Higher-value products, e.g. methanol, ammonia, urea, DME, SNG, jet fuel, gasoline/LPG, diesel/naphtha, hydrogen, waxes
Environment-friendly solutions
High electrical efficiency in power generation
Multifuel capability
A basis for carbon capture and storage/utilization (CCS/CCU)
Gasification processes offer a number of upstream and downstream advantages to customers with access to solid feedstocks, and dwindling energy reserves as well as a need to meet increasingly stringent environmental requirements. With proper preparation a variety of carbon-based materials can be easily gasified to produce synthesis gas (syngas) for the subsequent production of chemicals, liquid fuels, electricity or direct reduction gas (DRI). Gasification is particularly clean and efficient.
Gasification is also flexible with respect to feedstock quality and the use of mixed feedstocks. The gasification of low-value or waste materials is an attractive option. Even otherwise problematic materials can be gasified together with the main feedstock.
Gasification technology offers environment-friendly, efficient solutions for these applications. In power generation, for example, gasification can achieve high electrical efficiencies and also forms a basis for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) or Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU).
Since the early twentieth century tkIS has been making a key contribution to the chemical conversion of carbon-containing solid and liquid feedstocks into high-value synthetic products. This has been carried out both in cooperation with third-party technology providers, such as Texaco and Shell, and independently. In the course of time we have gained experience with eight different gasification technologies:
Texaco oil gasification TGP (today GE)
Texaco coal gasification TCGP (today GE)
Shell oil gasification SGP
Shell coal gasification SCGP
Koppers-Totzek solids gasification
Winkler solids gasification
High-Temperature Winkler solids gasification
PRENFLO® solids gasification* with Heat Recovery (PSG) and with Direct Quench (PDQ)
In total we can look back at more than 100 plants built.
*now known as uhde® entrained-flow gasification