We appreciate your need for the year-round service and maintenance of your prized chemical facilities, and hence offer you our 360° Lifecycle Services that ensures that your plant is operated optimally on sustainable basis and upgraded / retrofitted to meet the evolving operating environment / conditions, and always in the best of health.
Available throughout the Lifetime of your asset, our Lifecycle Services portfolio is available round the clock and backed by our Process / Technology & Engineering expertise that has vast experience in Concept to Commissioning and Operating phases of the plants.

Our portfolio :

Revamps & Outages
Over the course of time, demands change. In order to meet these changed demands,we offer you custom-tailored revamp solutions.
Analysis, Engineering and Manufacturing
- Plant status and environmental analysis and assessment
- Feasibility studies
- Basic, front-end and detail engineering
- Manufacturing of individual equipment
Plant Improvements
- Technology upgradesCustom-tailored revamps and retrofitting solutions
- Debottlenecking through capacity extensions
- Efficiency enhancement through modernization and upgrades
- Emission reduction
- Safety and integrity upgrades
- Reliability improvement
Revamps Execution up to EPC
- Execution of complex revamp and outage projects
- Execution of EPC revamps projects
- Custom-tailored risk and profit sharing models
Turnaround Management
- Management of plant turnarounds

Field & Workshop Services
We offer you local assistance when it comes to overhauling spare and wear parts, or when maintenance and servicing is needed.
Technical studies
- Process & System improvement studies
- Energy Audit for improvements
- Due diligence for performance improvements and modifications
- Health assessment for plant relocation
- Utilization of technology experts within thyssenkrupp’s global network
Field services
- Safety Audits – HAZOP studies
- Decommissioning & inspection of cryogenic tanks
- Operator & Maintenance Training Courses
- Customer training for all areas of thyssenkrupp portfolio
- Utilization of product experts within thyssenkrupp’s global network
Inspection & Expediting services

Asset Management
We offer you a holistic asset management approach in order to reduce the overall operating expenses of your plant.
- Evaluation and assessment of effectiveness and efficiency
- Process mapping and gap analysis
- Derivation and supervision of improvement measures
Technical Guidance
- Implementation of improvement measures
- Technical improvement of existing machines and components
- Strategic analysis and future planning
- Improvement of processes and procedures
Operation & Maintenance Contracts
- Complete or partial take-over of maintenance and/or operations activities
- One-stop operation and maintenance solutions including (optional) parts and consumables
- Custom-tailored business models focusing on a win-win situation

Parts & Supply Management
We are the experts when it comes to the supply of spare parts for your plant – over the entire lifetime, at the right time and with the right quality.
Proprietary equipment & Spares
- Electrolyser cell elements
- Spares for electrolysis plants
- Spares for High pressure valves
Spare Parts Supply
- All spare parts and components for your asset in OEM quality
- Always state of the art technology with guaranteed functionality
- Attractive frame contracts and supply agreements
Advanced Parts Solutions
- Engineering and manufacturing of individual spare parts
- Individual solutions in regards of quality and performance
For a wider perspective of our capabilities, please visit our group company website on the following link :